01 Racing Wheel 赛车方向盘 02 Gamepad 游戏手柄 03 Joystick 飞行缲纵杆 04 gamepad 格鬥台杆 05 Charger 充电设备 06 gaming headset 耳机 07 Accessories 配件 08 Adapter 轉接 09 授权专区
销售区域 全球区域销售 海外经销商 2-2750 John St. Markham, ON L3R 2W4 Canada 海外经销商 Lombolova 17, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 海外经销商 Republic of Belarus, 220055, Minsk, st. Kamennogorskaya, 45, office 203 海外经销商 TRILLION VICTORY SDN BHD 海外经销商 Middle East . West Bank . Palestine . Ramallah . al-ersal street . Ramallah mall building . 5 floor 海外经销商 Lane 14 Nam Ngu-Cua Nam Ward-Hoan Kiem District-Hanoi Vietnam 海外经销商 HERMENGILDO GALEANA 57 - 7. SANTA URSULA XITLA. 14420. TLALPAN. CDMX. MEXICO. 海外经销商 3rd District, 2nd Neighborhood 6 of October City, Giza Egypt 海外经销商 W-76, Palance Avenue, Hoora, Manama 306 P.O. Box 18707, Kingdom of Bahrain 海外经销商 PB 523 1471 LORENSKOG NORWAY 海外经销商 Nairobi, Kenya mecca house, mfangamano street opp Equity bank KNUT house Nairobi, Kenya 海外经销商 Provideo Bldg, 91st Municipality Square Str., Sector 5, Bourj Hammoud District, Beirut City, Lebanon 海外经销商 Unit W9 Warmco Ind Est Manchester Road Mosley OL59RR UK 海外经销商 ITC Mangga Dua Lt. II Blok D No.33,JI. Mangga Dua Raya No.11.11/RW.5,Ancol, Kec. Pademangan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus lb 海外经销商 Commerze@lrving, 1 lrving Place,#02-23 Singapore 369546